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broken glass

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: broken glass

I've had many guy's that treated me wrong.they would leave me 4 someone,basically,with blonde hair and big b--bs!some never really seem 2 care once our relationship begain 2 seem like they got bored,and dropped me like broken glass.sometimes i feel like all they want is 2 get in my pants.i want someone that will respect me and treat me like the sweet nice person i am.I've never unerstood why the guy's never apreciated all the things i did 4 makes me feel used. but i still have hope that one day.....i'll find someone 2 really truly treat me right.that's all i really need from someone,not money,h-----people,or anything like that.

anyone mind sharing their views about this?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: broken as well

im sorry to hear that you have known such pain. i also know what it is like to extend yourself over hot coals to serve the fleeting impulses of would be lovers. except my lovers wouldnt leave me till they had already exploited the next one or more.
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April 14, 2007
Posts: 3

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`Hi, Sounds like you both got involved with closed minded guys that goes from relationship to relationship, both guys and girls do that, once you realy get to know someone, then maybe there is something that the other dosent like and not prepared to deal with, like after finding his girl has bisexual needs it becomes a threat to their stupid macho masculinity, I have known girls that never told them till after getting married, because he would understand her better, THEY NEVER DO! they ended up divorced him telling family and friends
she's a lesbian, not true, but they dont know the difference!

my advice is to be upfront about your natual bisexual needs, yea! you might loose him, but you wont have dissapointment later and will be much happyer when you find a guy that understands that its natural for a girl to enjoy going down on a girl as much as he does. an openminded guy knows he will be loved much more for understanding her needs to be alone with a girl, but most times he will be asked to join them, both knowing sharing will be devoid of any jelousy, but looked upon as sharing a ------- gift together.

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October 17, 2010
Posts: 3

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`I agree with BFL.

I've seen the same situation, but in reverse, and worse.

I told my wife I was bi before we were married. It doesn't have to mean anything other than 'who we look at'. But people make it much more than that. She felt inadequate, I guess, and was not interested in extra partners, so what? We are married, you know? Committed?

But then I outed myself, some. She freaked, left the house, and outed me some more.

On the good/bad side, I'm now out to my whole family, and probably her whole family.

On the bad side, I may have alienated the best spouse and lover I'll ever have. And not because she 'found out', (sh already knew), but rather because I wanted to be open and honest about who I am.

And like BFL said, will her family, or mine, suddenly think I'm gay?

Straight people find it easy to misunderstand any other s----lity. But gays and lesbians ALSO make their own judgments of bi's. Worse yet? Bi's also judge each other, thinking we're all similar somehow. But bi's are by definition all very different people, different tastes and needs, and different levels of attraction to men and women.

Seems like the right thing to do is to not judge someone s----lity until you've decided you want to have some with them. Then ask.


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